I’m a versatile, skilled multimedia content editor. I connect your content to your audience and make good content great with predictable billing at a fraction of the cost you’re used to paying.

Content entry

You have the content and photos but need someone to input everything into the content management system (CMS), including keywords for search engine optimization (SEO).


You have some materials that may or may not be usable and need help deciding what’s next.

Content collection

Your existing content needs to be compiled, organized and freshened up, including but not limited to adding or changing heading levels and defining terms to maximize readability.


You’ve used artificial intelligence (AI) to generate your content and now need someone to make sure all the information is accurate, plus help to make sure your message is on brand and tells the story the way you mean it.

Line editing

You need help dialing in your sentence structure, meaning and logic, readability, and writing style.


You have existing content that needs to be checked for grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence-level considerations, in addition to cross-references, organization of lists, word choice, transitions, and other writing style issues.


Your content has been inputted into design, and you need someone to comparison or cold read to catch any errors or inconsistencies in design elements or cross-references before publishing.

Resizing and cropping photos

You know which photos you want to use but need a hand making them fit for the web.


Style guide development

You want your brand to be consistent across the board and need an editorial guide for all contributors to follow.


Browser testing

You’re about to hit “Publish” on your website but need someone to run quality assurance and find all the bugs.


My tool kit

Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press Stylebook, in-house style guides
Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint
Google Docs, Sheets, Business Profile Manager, Drive, Slides, Forms
Salesforce.com, Asana
Adobe InDesign, InCopy, Photoshop
WordPress, Drupal, Craft CMS (loading/editing content and photos)
YouTube (loading/editing content and photos)
Hootsuite, MailChimp
Bugherd, Browserstack
Riverside.FM, Simplecast (podcast uploading and editing)
SEO research

Estimate and samples available upon request. Friendliness always complimentary. House style guides always welcome and accepted. Deadlines always met. Expectations always exceeded.

See my clients